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Our best source of expressions in Portuguese is our curious users!

There are some obvious places for finding Brazilian expressions, especially those that might be more enigmatic for English speakers. For example, books, newspapers, YouTube videos of local media, and even podcasts and videos of streamers.

But it can be hard to locate these expressions. That’s where the search bar of our website enters. We use a free service for the search, provided by a company called Algolia.

They provide a weekly report email with some analytics of the searches performed in the website.

Screenshot of Algolia weekly report email

It shows the number of searches, as well as the most popular ones.

Screenshot of Algolia weekly report email

The most important feature in the weekly report is the listing of searches with no results. This shows what users were looking for, but couldn’t find an expression for.

Screenshot of Algolia weekly report email

Looks like we will be researching what is the “cor de burro”, adding “dengoso (a)”, as well as more ways to say that someone is cool, and to say you are welcome.

If you don’t find an expression and would like to see it in Speak Like A Brazilian you can create a GitHub issue or — even better — a pull request with your expression.